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Good Life Jewelry will be shipped to your front door in a hot pink 4"x8" bubble envelope with your jewelry wrapped up inside! We ship our Good Life Jewelry by UPS and the cost of shipping to you is $3.95 nationwide! For Priority shipping the cost is $5.95. If your Good Life Jewelry arrives damaged we will send a full refund including shipping cost.


If you have changed your mind about your Good Life Jewelry purchase, or are unsatisfied, you may return you Good Life Jewelry, or cancel your order, for a full refund within 45 days of purchase. After 45 days the refund amount will decrease by half per week.


To pay for your Good Lie Jewelry online you may proceed with one of two options.

Option A: Pay securely online with a valid debit or credit card through Stripe, a verified ecommerce business.

Option B: Pay through PayPal, a trusted way to pay money online.

Having trouble paying? contact us at

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